The Difference Between Invocation and Evocation

Invocation and Evocation

From an occult perspective, magick (spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from stage magic) refers to the practice of using metaphysical and spiritual techniques to bring about intentional changes in consciousness, reality, or one's own being. It is a system of occult knowledge and practices that explore the hidden aspects of reality and seek to influence or work in harmony with these hidden forces.

Magick views the universe as being permeated by subtle energies or forces that can be manipulated, directed, or influenced through various practices and rituals. These energies are believed to underlie physical reality and can be harnessed and focused for specific purposes.

The will and intention of the practitioner are considered central in magickal practices. Through focused intention and the alignment of one's will with the desired outcome, magicians aim to effect change in accordance with their goals or desires. The belief is that through concentrated thought and directed willpower, the practitioner can shape reality on both subtle and tangible levels.

Magick often incorporates the use of correspondences and symbolic systems to establish connections and create resonance with specific energies or entities.

These correspondences may involve elements, colors, planets, numbers, symbols, and other associations that align with the desired intention. By working with these correspondences, practitioners seek to amplify and direct the energies involved in their magickal workings.

Magick utilizes rituals, ceremonies, and specific practices as a means of focusing and directing energy. These rituals can include various elements such as invocations, sigil work, spellcasting, divination, meditation, and the use of tools or sacred objects. The purpose of these practices is to create a heightened state of awareness, establish a connection with higher realms or entities, and manipulate energies for specific outcomes.

Magick delves into the realms beyond the physical, exploring the hidden, spiritual, and energetic aspects of reality. It recognizes the existence of unseen forces, realms, and entities that can be accessed or interacted with through magickal practices. These practices aim to expand consciousness, gain esoteric knowledge, and tap into the deeper mysteries of existence.

In invocation, the divine is invited to dwell within us; in evocation, we seek to encounter the divine outside of ourselves." - Lon Milo DuQuette


Let’s explore the differences between Invocation and Evocation.

An invocation is a ritualistic act or practice of calling upon or inviting an energy, to enter one's presence or to be present within oneself or a particular space. It is a method of establishing a connection or communion with the energy being invoked.

Here are some key aspects and purposes of invocations in magick:

+ Invocations serve as a means to establish communication and connection with divine or spiritual beings. It is a way to open a dialogue, seek guidance, or receive blessings and assistance from the invoked energy or entity.

+ Invocations harness the power and energy associated with the energy or entity being invoked. By calling upon an energy, practitioners aim to tap into the qualities, wisdom, and abilities attributed to that energy or entity, thereby accessing their spiritual or magickal influence.

+ Invocations often follow a specific ritualistic structure or formula. This may involve the recitation of specific words, chants, prayers, or incantations that invoke the presence of the desired energy or entity. The ritual may also include gestures, offerings, or symbolic actions to honor and invoke the entity.

+ Different energies are associated with specific qualities, energies, or areas of expertise. By invoking a particular entity, practitioners seek to access and incorporate those attributes into their own being or magical workings. This allows them to draw upon the entity's power and assistance in their magical endeavors.

+ Invocations can also serve as a means of personal transformation and spiritual growth. By invoking an energy or entity, practitioners may seek to embody or emulate certain virtues, qualities, or aspects represented by that entity. This process aims to facilitate personal development, expansion of consciousness, and alignment with higher spiritual principles.

An evocation is a ritualistic practice or technique used to call forth or bring a specific energy or entity into the presence of the magician or a specific space. Unlike an invocation, which aims to establish a connection or communion with the invoked energy or entity, evocation is focused on external manifestation and interaction with the entity being evoked.

Here are some key aspects and purposes of evocations in magick:

+ Evocations are performed with the intention of bringing forth the presence or manifestation of a specific energy or entity. The magician seeks to establish a tangible and perceptible interaction with the invoked entity, often in a physical or visible form.

+ The purpose of evocations can vary. It may involve seeking assistance, guidance, or knowledge from the evoked entity. The magician may request the entity's aid in a specific task, seek answers to questions, or receive teachings and wisdom from the entity's realm of expertise.

+ Evocations can also be conducted to negotiate or establish pacts with the evoked entity. This may involve making agreements or pacts for the exchange of knowledge, power, or assistance. The magician may seek to forge a relationship or partnership with the evoked entity for mutually beneficial purposes.

+ Evocations often follow a structured ritual format that includes specific invocations, conjurations, and ceremonial actions. These rituals may involve the use of ceremonial tools, symbols, gestures, incantations, and sacred space preparations. The purpose is to create a controlled environment and set the stage for the successful evocation.

Due to the nature of evocations, practitioners often incorporate protective measures and methods of control. This is done to ensure that the evoked entity is safely contained, follows specific commands or requests, and does not pose harm or disruption. Ritual circles, sacred symbols, and verbal commands are commonly employed for this purpose.

"Through the act of evocation, we bridge the gap between the visible and invisible, bringing the energies and beings of the spiritual realms into our conscious awareness."

- Frater U.D.

Invocation involves inviting and merging with a higher entity or energy within oneself, whereas evocation involves summoning and communicating with an external entity or energy. Both practices have their own purposes, techniques, and methods, and their application may vary depending on the specific magical tradition or practitioner's intention. It's important to note that both practices require knowledge, experience, and ethical considerations when working with spiritual entities and energies.

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Angel Quintana

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Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.