How to Work with Mercury to Help You Speak Your Mind

Have you ever been in a situation where you had something significant to say, but you were unable to express it? Perhaps you feared being judged or rejected, or perhaps you lacked the confidence to express your thoughts and emotions. Whatever the cause, the inability to express oneself can be extremely exasperating and limiting. But have no fear, for there is a solution: working with the energy of Mercury, the ancient messenger deity.

Mercury, also referred to as Thoth in Egyptian mythology and Hermes Trismegistus in Greek mythology, is linked to communication, language, and the intellect. In astrology, the planet Mercury governs over Gemini and Virgo, both of which are known for their intellectual abilities and communication skills.

By engaging with Mercury's energy, you can unlock your throat chakra, the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression, and enhance your ability to express yourself clearly and confidently.

Let’s get to know Mercury!

The archetype of Mercury, often associated with the messenger of the gods in mythology, represents communication, intellect, and agility of thought. Mercury's energy is dynamic, quick-witted, and versatile, making it an adept communicator in various forms. This archetype empowers individuals to express themselves clearly, adapt their communication style to different situations, and engage in effective dialogue.

Mercury encourages the ability to speak one's mind with confidence and precision. It fosters the art of articulation, enabling individuals to convey ideas, thoughts, and emotions in a way that resonates with others.

People influenced by the Mercury archetype tend to be curious, open-minded, and skilled at both listening and responding. They excel in negotiation, debate, and problem-solving, often finding innovative solutions through their sharp analytical abilities.

By embracing Mercury's energy, individuals can enhance their capacity to communicate effectively, bridging gaps between different perspectives and fostering understanding.

This archetype also emphasizes adaptability, encouraging individuals to adapt their communication style to fit various contexts, from casual conversations to formal presentations. As Mercury facilitates mental agility and quick thinking, it empowers individuals to engage in productive discussions, advocate for their ideas, and engage with clarity and diplomacy.

Connect with Mercury's Energy

Connecting with Mercury's energy is the first step in engaging with him. This can be accomplished through meditation, visualization, or simply by calling Mercury to mind. Imagine him as a luminous being of light who stands before you, ready to impart his wisdom and counsel.

You can also utilize Mercury's correspondences and symbols, such as the color yellow (which represents the planet Mercury), the element air (which is associated with communication and intelligence), and the botanical lavender. (which is said to enhance mental clarity and communication skills).

Working with Mercury's energy can greatly enhance your ability to speak your mind effectively and confidently.

Try These:

1. Practice Mindfulness:

Cultivate awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and words. Mindfulness helps you become more conscious of your communication patterns and allows you to choose your words more intentionally.

2. Enhance Your Vocabulary:

Mercury's energy is linked to intelligence and language. Expand your vocabulary to better articulate your thoughts and feelings. Reading, learning new words, and engaging in intellectual pursuits can help.

3. Engage in Active Listening:

Effective communication involves both speaking and listening. Develop your listening skills to understand others' perspectives, which can, in turn, help you express your own thoughts more thoughtfully.

4. Develop Diplomacy:

Mercury encourages adaptable communication. Learn to express your opinions diplomatically, considering others' feelings and viewpoints. This approach fosters open dialogue and minimizes misunderstandings.

5. Practice Clear Expression:

Mercury values clarity. Work on organizing your thoughts before speaking, focusing on delivering concise and clear messages that are easy to understand.

6. Embrace Debate and Discussion:

Engage in respectful debates and discussions to refine your communication skills. This helps you think on your feet, defend your opinions, and listen actively.

7. Use Technology Mindfully:

Mercury's energy is associated with technology and communication tools. Use social media, emails, and messaging platforms thoughtfully, ensuring your online communication aligns with your authentic voice.

8. Journaling and Self-Reflection:

Write in a journal to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This practice can help you organize your ideas and become more aware of your communication patterns.

9. Public Speaking and Expression:

Practice public speaking or creative expression to build confidence in sharing your thoughts. Engaging in theater, storytelling, or even speaking up in group discussions can be empowering.

10. Communicate Regularly:

Like any skill, communication improves with practice. Engage in conversations regularly, both in-person and virtually, to refine your ability to speak your mind clearly and confidently.

11. Seek Constructive Feedback:

Invite trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues to provide feedback on your communication style. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

12. Embrace Curiosity:

Mercury is associated with curiosity and learning. Approach conversations with an open and curious mind, asking questions and seeking to understand different viewpoints.

By consciously incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can align yourself with Mercury's energy and enhance your communication abilities, allowing you to speak your mind more effectively and authentically.

Practice Recording Yourself

After establishing a connection with Mercury, it is time to focus on enhancing your communication abilities. One of the most effective methods to accomplish this is to practice speaking aloud. You can begin by recording yourself if you're too timid or self-conscious to speak in front of others. This can be as easy as using the voice recorder app on your phone to record yourself discussing a topic that fascinates you or reading aloud from a book or article.

Listening to yourself speak can be unsettling at first, but it's a great way to identify areas for improvement, such as speaking too rapidly or using filler words such as "um" and "uh." After identifying these areas, you can work on correcting them and enhancing your speaking abilities.

Recording yourself and listening to the replay is an invaluable practice to improve your ability to speak your mind effectively.

Try These:

1. Self-Awareness:

Recording allows you to objectively assess your communication style, tone, pacing, and body language. By hearing yourself as others do, you gain insight into areas that need improvement.

2. Identification of Habits:

Listening to recordings helps you identify any verbal fillers (like "uh," "um") or repetitive phrases that might hinder your communication. Recognizing these habits empowers you to overcome them.

3. Clarity and Coherence:

Replaying your speech helps you assess the clarity of your message. Are you conveying your thoughts logically and coherently? Listening reveals areas where you could enhance the flow and structure of your communication.

4. Nonverbal Cues:

Communication involves more than words. Listening to your tone, pitch, and nonverbal cues (like gestures and facial expressions) helps you understand how your emotions are conveyed.

5. Empathy and Perspective:

Listening to yourself from an audience's perspective fosters empathy. It helps you gauge how well your message resonates with others and whether you're considering their viewpoints.

6. Improvement and Practice:

Hearing your strengths and areas for growth motivates you to practice and refine your communication skills. Regular recording and self-assessment lead to noticeable improvement over time.

7. Feedback Without Judgment:

Self-recording offers feedback in a nonjudgmental setting. You can focus solely on your growth without the pressure of an immediate audience.

8. Adjusting Your Approach:

By listening critically, you can experiment with different approaches. Adjust your tone, pace, or word choice to see how it impacts the overall message.

9. Building Confidence:

Recording and analyzing your speech builds confidence. You become more aware of your strengths and can capitalize on them, contributing to a more self-assured speaking style.

10. Personal Development:

The practice of self-recording aligns with personal development. It showcases your commitment to improving your communication skills, which can positively impact various aspects of your life.

Recording yourself and listening to the playback is a transformative practice that helps bridge the gap between how you perceive your communication and how it's perceived by others. This process of self-assessment empowers you to identify and address weaknesses, refine your strengths, and ultimately become a more effective and confident communicator, allowing you to speak your mind with clarity and impact.


Unblock Your Throat Chakra

Unblocking your throat (larynx) chakra is another method for improving communication skills. The throat chakra is the energy center located in the area of the larynx, and it governs communication and self-expression. If your throat chakra is obstructed or out of balance, you may find it difficult to express yourself clearly or speak your mind.

There are numerous techniques for clearing the throat chakra. Deep breathing exercises are among the most beneficial. By focusing on your breath and taking slow, deep inhalation, you can release tension and promote relaxation, thereby helping to open your throat chakra.

Additionally, you can use essential fragrances to help clear your throat chakra. It is believed that peppermint, eucalyptus, and chamomile have a tranquil and soothing effect on the throat chakra. Simply apply a few drops of the essential oil to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle.

In addition to singing and chanting, singing and chanting can serve to open the throat chakra. When you sing or chant, you employ your voice in a potent manner, which can help to release repressed energy and encourage self-expression. You do not need to be a wonderful singer to accomplish this; simply sing or chant from the heart and allow the energy to flow.

Unblocking the throat chakra using spiritual principles involves addressing energy imbalances through practices that promote self-expression, communication, and alignment. The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha, is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Try These:

1. Awareness and Mindfulness:

Begin by acknowledging any imbalances or blocks in your throat chakra. Cultivate mindfulness through meditation and self-reflection to identify patterns of communication that may be hindering your self-expression.

2. Honesty and Authenticity:

Practice living authentically and speaking your truth. Honesty, not just with others but also with yourself, helps release suppressed emotions and fears that can block the throat chakra.

3. Chanting and Affirmations:

Use sound to activate the throat chakra. Chanting mantras like "HAM" can help stimulate its energy. Recite positive affirmations related to self-expression, such as "I speak my truth with clarity and confidence."

4. Creative Expression:

Engage in creative activities that encourage self-expression, such as singing, writing, painting, or any form of artistic expression that resonates with you.

5. Journaling:

Write down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a journal. This practice helps you process emotions and thoughts, clearing any stagnation in your throat chakra.

6. Throat Chakra Meditation:

Visualize a blue energy vortex at your throat during meditation. Imagine the energy flowing freely and unblocking any obstacles. Envision yourself speaking your truth with ease.

7. Breathwork and Pranayama:

Practice deep, conscious breathing exercises to stimulate and balance the throat chakra. Focus on the inhale and exhale as you visualize energy flowing through your throat.

8. Crystal Healing:

Use crystals like blue lace agate, aquamarine, or sodalite to support the throat chakra's energy. Place the crystal on your throat or carry it with you.

9. Reiki and Energy Healing:

Seek energy healing modalities like Reiki to release energetic blockages in the throat chakra. Energy healing can promote the flow of energy and restore balance.

10. Vocal Expression:

Singing, humming, or toning can help open the throat chakra. Allow your voice to vibrate and resonate, clearing stagnation and promoting energetic flow.

11. Speak with Love and Kindness:

Communicate with compassion and empathy. Choose words that reflect your intention to uplift and connect with others, promoting a healthy and balanced throat chakra.

12. Seek Professional Guidance:

If you struggle with deeply rooted blockages, consider seeking the guidance of energy healers, therapists, or spiritual counselors to help you navigate and release these obstacles.

Unblocking the throat chakra requires patience and consistent practice. Embrace these spiritual principles as part of your holistic approach to healing and balancing this energy center, allowing your authentic voice and self-expression to flow freely.

“Speak with integrity. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

-Don Miguel Ruiz

Be Brave and Speak Your Truth

Perhaps the most essential tip for speaking your mind is to speak the truth with courage. This can be frightening, especially if you fear being judged or rejected, but it's necessary if you want to live a genuine and fulfilling existence.

Remember that everyone has the right to express their emotions and that your voice matters. Speak from the heart, and do not fear being vulnerable. You may be surprised by the extent to which your words resonate with others and how your courage encourages them to speak their own truth.

Cultivating courage and bravery is a transformative journey that involves inner exploration, mindset shifts, and deliberate actions.

Try These:

1. Identify Your Fears:

Begin by identifying the fears that hold you back. Self-awareness is key to addressing what needs to change.

2. Embrace Vulnerability:

Understand that courage often involves vulnerability. Embrace the discomfort that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone.

3. Set Clear Intentions:

Define what courage and bravery mean to you. Set intentions that align with these qualities and remind yourself of your goals regularly.

4. Practice Self-Compassion:

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Self-compassion encourages you to take risks and learn from failures without harsh self-judgment.

5. Challenge Negative Thoughts:

Identify and challenge negative thoughts that fuel fear. Replace them with positive affirmations and empowering beliefs.

6. Gradual Exposure:

Start with small challenges that make you slightly uncomfortable. Gradually expose yourself to more significant situations as your comfort zone expands.

7. Mindfulness and Acceptance:

Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment. Accept your feelings of fear, but don't let them dictate your actions.

8. Visualize Success:

Visualize yourself acting bravely and successfully overcoming challenges. This practice helps build mental resilience.

9. Learn from Setbacks:

Embrace failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Each setback can teach you valuable lessons about yourself and your resilience.

10. Surround Yourself with Support:

Surround yourself with people who encourage and support your journey toward courage. Positive influences can boost your confidence.

11. Take Physical Action:

Engage in physical activities that require courage, such as trying a new sport or challenging physical obstacle.

12. Face Your Fears Gradually:

Work on facing your fears in incremental steps. Each small accomplishment builds your confidence to tackle bigger challenges.

13. Practice Gratitude:

Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that come with being brave. Gratitude can shift your perspective.

14. Reflect on Past Successes:

Recall instances where you exhibited courage in the past. Remind yourself that you're capable of bravery.

15. Learn from Role Models:

Study individuals who exemplify courage and bravery. Their stories can inspire and provide insights into how to overcome obstacles.

16. Celebrate Your Wins:

Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Each step forward is a testament to your growth and resilience.

17. Seek Professional Support:

If deep-seated fears or traumas hinder your progress, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor.

Cultivating courage and bravery is an ongoing process. As you consistently challenge yourself, confront your fears, and take positive steps forward, you'll develop greater self-assurance and resilience. Remember that courage doesn't mean the absence of fear but rather the willingness to act despite it.

Spiritual Practices

In addition to these practical methods, spiritual practices can help you connect with Mercury's energy and enhance your communication skills. For instance, you can construct an altar or sacred space dedicated to Mercury by using yellow candles, feathers, or crystals such as citrine or clear quartz to represent his energy.

Moreover, you can include affirmations or mantras in your daily practice. During meditation or throughout the day, you can repeat the affirmation "I speak my truth with confidence and ease" or the mantra "Om" (which is said to activate the throat chakra).

Working with the energy of Mercury can also enhance your intuition and mental clarity. Mercury is associated with the mind and intellect; by channeling his energy, you can improve your cognitive abilities and mental concentration. This is beneficial in all aspects of life, not just communication.

Using yellow candles when working with Mercury is essential because the color yellow is closely associated with the energy and attributes of the planet Mercury. Each planet in astrology has corresponding colors that resonate with its characteristics, and yellow is considered Mercury's color.

Here's why using yellow candles is significant when working with Mercury:

1. Alignment with Mercury's Energy:

Yellow is a vibrant and stimulating color that aligns with Mercury's qualities of communication, intellect, and mental agility. Mercury governs the realm of ideas, thoughts, and self-expression, making yellow a natural choice for channeling this energy.

2. Stimulating Mental Clarity:

Yellow is known to stimulate mental clarity, focus, and quick thinking. When you work with yellow candles, you're harnessing these attributes to enhance your ability to express yourself clearly and articulate your thoughts effectively.

3. Creativity and Innovation:

Mercury's energy is also associated with creativity and innovation. Yellow encourages a positive and open mindset, facilitating creative problem-solving and the generation of new ideas.

4. Confidence and Self-Expression:

Yellow is often linked with confidence and self-expression. Using yellow candles can boost your self-assurance, making it easier to communicate your thoughts and ideas with conviction.

5. Energetic Resonance:

Colors have energetic frequencies that resonate with our chakras and energy centers. Yellow is believed to resonate with the solar plexus chakra, which governs self-confidence, personal power, and expression.

6. Enhancing Rituals and Intentions:

Incorporating yellow candles into rituals, meditations, or intention-setting practices when working with Mercury helps amplify your connection with the planet's energy, leading to more effective results.

7. Symbolism of Light and Illumination:

Yellow is often associated with light and illumination. Lighting a yellow candle can symbolize the illumination of your thoughts, ideas, and insights, allowing you to communicate them with greater clarity.

8. Enhancing Positive Communication:

Yellow candles can contribute to creating a positive and uplifting environment for communication. When you work with Mercury's energy, fostering a positive atmosphere encourages fruitful conversations and exchanges.

In essence, using yellow candles when working with Mercury enhances your alignment with the planet's energy, supports clear communication, and facilitates the expression of your thoughts and ideas. It creates a symbolic and energetic link that aids in channeling Mercury's attributes, making your practices more potent and impactful.


Invoking the energy of Thoth or Mercury when seeking to overcome judgment and speak one's mind brings forth profound insights and transformative guidance. Thoth, the ancient Egyptian deity associated with wisdom, communication, and writing, and Mercury, the Roman god of communication and intellect, both hold significant influence in navigating these challenges.

Thoth, often depicted as a scribe and keeper of divine knowledge, embodies the qualities needed to overcome judgment and express oneself authentically. By invoking Thoth's energy, you tap into his wisdom, guiding you to discern between constructive criticism and unwarranted judgment. Thoth encourages you to delve into the depths of your inner mind, helping you uncover the courage to share your thoughts despite external opinions.

Mercury, as the planet governing communication, aligns with speaking your mind openly and clearly. By invoking Mercury's energy, you draw upon his agility of thought and eloquence of speech, allowing you to articulate your ideas with precision and confidence. Mercury's swift influence aids in breaking down barriers of doubt and self-judgment, empowering you to communicate authentically.

Both Thoth and Mercury symbolize transcending limitations and embracing personal growth. Invoking their energy reminds you that your unique perspective matters, and your voice deserves to be heard. They guide you to rise above fear of judgment and external criticism, enabling you to communicate without restraint.

Furthermore, Thoth and Mercury represent the connection between the seen and unseen realms, emphasizing the importance of understanding deeper minds. By invoking their energy, you gain insight into the root causes of judgment and how it impacts your ability to express yourself. This understanding enables you to approach communication with empathy, both for yourself and others.

In conclusion, invoking the energy of Thoth or Mercury when striving to overcome judgment and speak your mind is a profound choice. Their wisdom, guidance, and transformative influence encourage you to rise above external opinions, embrace your authentic self, and communicate with clarity and conviction. Through their guidance, you find the strength to break free from self-doubt, fostering a path of self-expression that is guided by authenticity and enlightenment.

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Angel Quintana

ANGEL QUINTANA, Leadership Mystic & Founder of Sacred Anarchy

Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a parallel society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She supports soulworkers in discovering their assignment through Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership, so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.

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Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.

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