This is for the ones who no longer wish to be a pawn in the checkerboard game and are ready to exit the system.

What is The Amenta?
You’ve heard this word floating around, but what does it mean? Or better yet, what does it represent?

Divine Timing is a Lie: You Create Reality Instantly
Remain in the passive state of waiting, hoping, and tolerating or declare your power and create like a Creator. Your choice.

Understanding The Dark Night of the Soul Stages
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the dark night of the soul and the death and rebirth process.

What Are Fallen Angels?
We’re into debunking fear antics and religious dogma. This one is no different.

Best Esoteric Healing Courses for Shadow Workers
If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, these are the courses to check out.

Ego Death: The Key to Unlocking the True Self
If you’ve ever felt lost or like you don’t even know who you are anymore, read this.

Dreams: The Theater of the Unconscious Mind
Dreams hold a vital key to our personal development. Are you keeping track?

The Importance of Shadow Work & Crossing the Abyss
Carl Jung describes it as a state of psychological crisis.

What is Group Ego?
Once we recognize what we lose in order to belong to a group mind, we can move forward.

How to Master Your Inner World with The Tree of Life
A symbol of wisdom, understanding, and spiritual advancement.

Serpent Energy: The Hidden Power of Neuromelanin
In the context of spiritual awakening, some medical researchers have proven that neuromelanin plays a significant role in enhancing spiritual and metaphysical experiences.

Caduceus of Hermes and The Path of the Serpent
The Hermes caduceus is an ancient emblem that has been associated with numerous meanings throughout history.

Why the New Age Movement is Bad for You
In this video I will discuss what spiritual candy is and how it is keeping you trapped inside one of the tunnels of your esoteric technology and how to push through it with a few simple tips!

The Esoteric Psychology of Collectivism & Individualism
The importance of individuality lies in its power to foster diversity, creativity, and personal growth. Embracing and celebrating one's unique qualities, perspectives, and talents not only enriches society but also allows individuals to fully express themselves and contribute in their own authentic way.

11 Reasons Why You Need to Speak Your Mind
The phrase "speak your mind" means expressing your thoughts, opinions, and ideas openly and honestly. It encourages you to share what you truly think and feel without holding back or censoring yourself.

What is Cognitive Dissonance?
Cognitive dissonance is an internal conflict that occurs when there is inconsistency or incongruity between different cognitions.

The Pseudo Self: Are You Being Your True Self?
In episode 6, we break down what the pseudo self is, how it came to be, and the importance of removing its costume if we are to truly know the real, individual self.