


In esoteric contexts, Satanism is often understood as the worship and elevation of the ego—the lower self that is driven by primal instincts, desires, and the physical senses. It is a path of self-consumption, where the individual becomes enslaved by their base desires and attachments to the material world. In this view, Satan represents the ego’s dominance, a force that keeps the individual tethered to their lower faculties, such as greed, lust, and self-interest, while rejecting higher spiritual aspirations and enlightenment. Satanism, in this sense, is not about empowerment or transcendence but about the entrenchment of the self in worldly pursuits, governed by the physical senses and egoic desires.

Satan has long been associated with rebellion and defiance against divine authority, particularly in Judeo-Christian traditions. However, in the context of Satanism as the worship of the ego, Satan is not viewed as a deity or liberator but as a symbol of the individual’s submission to their lower self. This interpretation sees Satan as the archetype of the ego, a force that perpetuates self-enslavement through indulgence in worldly pleasures and sensory experiences. Satanism, in this context, is a rejection of spiritual ascension and a focus on self-gratification and materialism.

The modern interpretation of Satanism, particularly within certain Left-Hand Path traditions, often emphasizes the individual’s pursuit of personal pleasure and satisfaction, but this pursuit can become a trap. It fosters an endless cycle of desire and consumption, reinforcing the individual’s attachment to the physical world and the ego, ultimately preventing spiritual evolution.

Satanism, when viewed through the lens of ego worship, represents:

Egoic Enslavement: The individual remains trapped by their lower self, ruled by the senses and primal desires.

Self-Consumption: The focus is on personal gratification, leading to the erosion of spiritual and emotional well-being.

Lower Faculties: Satanism adheres only to the physical realm, rejecting higher faculties such as intuition, spiritual insight, and higher consciousness.

Materialism and Sensory Attachment: The individual becomes attached to the fleeting pleasures of the material world, living for momentary satisfaction without considering long-term consequences or spiritual growth.

Rejection of Spirituality: Satanism in this form rejects the pursuit of enlightenment, higher wisdom, and self-transcendence in favor of earthly indulgence and ego-driven desires.

Engaging with Satanism in this context leads to:

Attachment to the Physical World: The individual focuses on satisfying their sensory desires—food, sex, wealth, and status—without concern for spiritual or moral growth.

Self-Destructive Patterns: The ego’s insatiable need for more leads to cycles of self-destruction, with no true sense of fulfillment or peace.

Ignoring Higher Aspirations: Practices that center on material gain and sensory pleasure, ignoring the higher call for spiritual ascension or enlightenment.

Emotional and Psychological Stagnation: The individual remains locked in a cycle of seeking external validation, avoiding introspection, and never confronting their inner truths.

Connection to Other Terms

  • Ego: Satanism, in this form, is the worship of the ego, which keeps the individual tethered to their lower self and prevents spiritual growth.

  • Shadow Work: The refusal to engage in shadow work keeps the individual trapped in the egoic self, avoiding true healing and transformation.

  • Materialism: Satanism is often synonymous with the pursuit of material wealth and physical pleasure, ignoring the higher spiritual journey.

  • The Abyss: The abyss represents the chasm between the ego and higher consciousness, and Satanism keeps the individual bound to the edge of this abyss, never progressing beyond it.

  • Self-Destruction: The cycle of indulgence and sensory attachment can lead to self-destruction, both spiritually and emotionally.

Satanism, in its focus on ego worship, stands in direct opposition to the alchemical process of Solve et Coagula—the dissolution and purification of the self to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Instead of seeking higher wisdom, the individual trapped in Satanism remains stuck in the base materiality of the ego, unable to transcend their desires. This form of Satanism represents the refusal to evolve, as it keeps the individual bound to the lower faculties and the sensory world, denying the possibility of true spiritual transformation.

If you are seeking liberation from the chains of the ego and the material world, join The Archaic Occultist or check out The Sacred Text Library. Learn how to break free from self-consumption, transcend the lower self, and align with your True Will through transformative spiritual practices.

Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.



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