Take The Great Work to the Next Level
You’ve been growing tired of the system for a while now. Deep in your bones, you can sense that the way we’ve built the world around us doesn’t really let us live.
Instead, the prescribed timeline of school, college, career, retirement seems more like entrapment for the benefit of a small minority who keep themselves hidden from the eyes of the masses.
You long for change, you long for something different, but it’s overwhelming trying to figure out what the change looks like on your own.
Let me share the first mystery training with you…
That change is YOU. And in the Sacred Anarchy Mystery School, you’ll discover exactly how to BE the change.
Questioning yourself and the world around you is a vital skill, one you already possess, but I’m willing to bet you have so far used that skill to criticize yourself and relentlessly try to figure out what’s wrong with you.
You are not a problem to be solved.
You are a powerful spirit in a human body with the capacity to evolve.
If only you switched that questioning from critique to curiosity. In the Sacred Anarchy Mystery School, we will carefully and intentionally uncover who you are, why you’re here, and begin the path towards leading your own movement.
This is where you can build a solid foundation of self-confidence, authentic identity, purpose, and service; at your own pace, and with all the tools you need.
When you step onto the initiate’s path you can expect to:
- Turn on your higher faculties
- Uncover new intuitive skills
- Free yourself from programming of the modern world
- Discover the truth about who you are and why you are here
- Create an environment in which to THRIVE
- Cultivate peace and fulfillment
- Lead a movement that helps shape the new aeon
Become a Private Member of The Sacred Anarchy Mystery School and receive:
* Access to an exclusive, password protected, members portal
* Take back your mind, remember who you are, follow the nudges of your Soul and start doing The Great Work.