This is for the weirdos, the exceptional ones, the visionaries and mystics who see through the lies and are ready for their next initiation.
5 Reasons Why Saying No Is Essential for The Great Work
Ready to make you a priority and discover the true magick behind The Great Work? Read this.
The Sacred Art of Dress as a Ritual for Self-Expression
Clothing is more than mere fabric—it is an extension of our essence. Let’s be intentional about who we are.
How To Shift Your Reality Into Your Desired Life
Remove the veil and step into the next version of your life? Here’s how to get started.
11 Traits of Genuinely Confident People
If you want to be a leader and live out your true purpose, congruency and authenticity are key.
7 Ways to Tap Into and Utilize Your Higher Faculties
When you operate from your higher will your soul’s purpose is revealed and your mission begins.
What is Sympathetic Magick?
Sympathetic magick shows us the connection between things and how they affect one another.
5 Ways to Sharpen Your Sixth Sense and Intuition
Your sixth sense is a master key to aligning who you are with your life purpose.
How to Align Your Life Path with The Great Work
You are here for reasons greater than just your individual experience. Align with it.
Choronzon and Its Affiliation with Shadow Work
Choronzon plays a paradoxical role in shadow work. Let’s explore.
What Are Fallen Angels?
We’re into debunking fear antics and religious dogma. This one is no different.
What is Chaos and The Morphogenetic Field
The concept of chaos is thought to represent disarray or even entropy, but that was before we knew about fractals.
Best Hidden Knowledge for Spiritual Growth
Unlike mainstream spirituality, hidden knowledge dives into the mysteries of the universe.
Best Esoteric Healing Courses for Shadow Workers
If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, these are the courses to check out.
The Hidden Power of Solfeggio Frequencies
Sound frequencies have a profound impact on human consciousness and well-being. Learn why.
The Primordial Waters of Nun
What are the abyss, the void, primeval waters and the unmanifest?
Who is Adam Kadmon?
Adam Kadmon is thought to be the "Tree of Life" or the "original atom”.
What is The Great Work?
The kind of work this world needs to value more. It’s worth more than gold too!
What is the Sacred Seed?
What is this sacred seed the esoteric traditions are always talking about anyway?
Ego Death: The Key to Unlocking the True Self
If you’ve ever felt lost or like you don’t even know who you are anymore, read this.
Dreams: The Theater of the Unconscious Mind
Dreams hold a vital key to our personal development. Are you keeping track?