What is Government: The Definition of Mind Control
In episode 22, we discuss the hidden definition no one’s talking about.

The Secret Life of Symbolism: The Language of the Unconscious
In episode 20 we are discussing symbolism and its effects on the unconscious mind.

Why Belief and Dogmatic Beliefs Are Dangerous
In episode 19, why beliefs and dogmatic beliefs are dangerous.

The Harmful Effects of Hierarchy
In episode 17, we are exploring the difference between a holarchy and hierarchy.

What is the Trivium?
In episode 16, we are exploring the Trivium and the keys to unlocking true knowledge.

Natural Law and The Principle of Gender - Part 7
In episode 15, we are continuing our conversation with Natural Law and the Principle of Gender.

Natural Law and The Principle of Cause and Effect - Part 6
In episode 14, we are continuing our conversation with Natural Law and the Principle of Cause and Effect.

Natural Law and The Principle of Rhythm - Part 5
The Principle of Rhythm — where it get’s interesting.

Natural Law and The Principle of Polarity - Part 4
In episode 12, we are continuing our conversation with Natural Law and the Principle of Polarity.

Natural Law and The Principle of Vibration - Part 3
In episode 11, we are continuing our conversation with Natural Law and the Principle of Vibration.

Natural Law and The Principle of Correspondence - Part 2
In episode 10, we are continuing our conversation with Natural Law and the Principle of Correspondence.

Natural Law and The Principle of Mentalism - Part 1
In episode 9, we are beginning our voyage into Natural Law, the real cosmic Laws of the Universe. It is here we will explore what Natural Law is and our first principle, which is the Principle of Mentalism.

The Divine Mind: Masculine and Feminine Harmony Part 2
In episode 8, we are discussing The Divine Mind, which includes the principles of masculine and feminine energies that live within us all. It is here we will explore the artificial feminine energies that have been pushed upon us through mainstream media networks, entertainment, and more.

The Divine Mind: Masculine and Feminine Harmony Part 1
In episode 7, we are discussing The Divine Mind, which includes the principles of masculine and feminine energies that live within us all. It is here we will explore the artificial feminine energies that have been pushed upon us through mainstream media networks, entertainment, and more.

The Pseudo Self: Are You Being Your True Self?
In episode 6, we break down what the pseudo self is, how it came to be, and the importance of removing its costume if we are to truly know the real, individual self.

What is Individuation?
Let’s discuss Carl Jung's 3 keys to individuation simply by diving deep into our unconscious waters.

What is Group Ego?
Once we recognize what we lose in order to belong to a group mind, we can move forward.

Personal Responsibility: The Key to Self-Rulership
In episode 3 we are discussing the importance of taking personal responsibility in order to raise the consciousness of ourselves and the world -- making Sacred Anarchy possible