The Esoteric Teachings and Ancient Knowledge of Qabalah's Four Worlds

Kabbalah, also spelled as "Cabala," is a mystical and esoteric tradition that originated within Druidic Traditions. It is a system of mystical interpretation of The Tarot and the exploration of the hidden meanings and spiritual insights contained within them.

The word "Kabbalah" means "receiving" or "tradition" and refers to the tradition of receiving and transmitting secret or hidden knowledge. It delves into the study of the divine nature, the structure of the universe, and the interconnectedness of all things. Cabalistic teachings seek to uncover the hidden truths and mystical aspects of reality that are not apparent on the surface level.

Cabala encompasses a wide range of concepts and practices, including the nature of The All, the creation of the Universe, the role of humans, the study of divine emanations, the Tree of Life symbolism, the interpretation of sacred texts, meditation techniques, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

It explores various realms or levels of existence, often represented by the Sephirot, which are divine emanations that serve as channels for the flow of divine energy and consciousness. Cabalistic teachings also incorporate the use of symbols, numerology, astrology, and meditation as tools for understanding and connecting with the divine.

The study and practice of Cabala are aimed at attaining spiritual growth, deepening one's connection to the divine, and understanding the hidden dimensions of existence. It is a path of seeking wisdom, insight, and union with the divine presence.

“The true nature of the gods is that of magical images shaped out of the astral plane by mankind's thought, and influenced by the mind.”

-Dion Fortune

In Cabala the concept of the Four Worlds refers to different levels or dimensions of existence. Each world represents a specific aspect of spiritual reality and is associated with various divine attributes and manifestations.

The Four Worlds are:


This is the highest and most divine realm, often referred to as the World of Emanation. It represents the pure essence of God and is associated with unity, divine emanation, and the sephiroth (divine attributes) of Keter.

The world of Atziluth, also known as the World of Emanation, is a concept within the Cabala, a mystical and philosophical Druidic Tradition. Atziluth is regarded as the highest and most divine of the four worlds or realms in the Cabalistic cosmology. It represents the realm of pure, unfiltered divine emanation and is considered the source of all subsequent creation.

In Atziluth, everything is believed to exist in a state of perfect unity and oneness with the divine. It is a world devoid of physicality and duality, where spiritual essence and divine energies are in their purest form. Atziluth is often associated with concepts such as divine light, divine will, and divine attributes.

Within this realm, the ten Sephirot, or divine emanations, are said to manifest.

These Sephirot represent different aspects of the divine nature and serve as channels through which divine energy flows. They are interconnected and form a framework for understanding and experiencing the divine.

The world of Atziluth is considered inaccessible to human consciousness in its true form. However, through mystical practices, such as meditation, contemplation, and study, you can strive to attain glimpses or connections to the divine realities of Atziluth.

Atziluth is seen as the realm of ultimate spiritual aspiration and the ideal state of union with the divine.

It is regarded as the origin and blueprint for the subsequent worlds of Briah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation), and Assiyah (Action), which progressively manifest greater levels of materiality and duality.

The world of Atziluth holds great significance in Cabalistic teachings and is seen as a source of spiritual inspiration, guidance, and transformation. It represents the highest level of divine consciousness and serves as a reminder of the divine origin and potential within each you. Exploring the world of Atziluth allows seekers to connect with the profound depths of the divine and to understand their place within the vast tapestry of creation.



The World of Creation, also known as the Creative World, is the realm where archetypes and spiritual forms take shape. It represents the divine intellect and is associated with the sephiroth of Chokmah and Binah.

The world of Briah, also known as the World of Creation, is one of the four worlds or realms in the Cabalistic cosmology, and it is situated below the world of Atziluth (Emanation) and above the worlds of Yetzirah (Formation) and Assiyah (Action).

Briah represents the realm of archetypal creation and the formation of spiritual and intellectual forces.

It is the world where the divine ideas and concepts begin to take shape and manifest in a more defined and structured manner.

In Briah, the raw spiritual energy of Atziluth is transformed into intelligible forms and principles.

Within the world of Briah, the divine archetypes and the roots of creation are said to exist. It is a world of spiritual intellect and abstract concepts, where the framework of the cosmos is established. The Sephirot, which represent the divine emanations, further unfold and manifest in Briah, taking on distinct qualities and characteristics.

Briah is associated with qualities such as wisdom, understanding, and intuition. It is considered a realm of deep insight and contemplation, where seekers can access profound spiritual knowledge and engage in the study of divine truths.

From a Cabalistic perspective, Briah serves as a bridge between the divine essence of Atziluth and the more material aspects of existence in the lower worlds. It is a realm that holds great spiritual potential and is regarded as a source of inspiration and transformative power.

Exploring the world of Briah allows you to tap into higher realms of consciousness, expand their intellectual and spiritual capacities, and gain deeper insights into the nature of creation and the divine. It offers a path of intellectual and intuitive exploration, leading seekers closer to the divine source and facilitating their personal and spiritual growth.


The World of Formation is the realm where spiritual energies become structured and organized. It represents the emotions and psychic dimensions and is associated with the sephiroth of Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod.

The world of Yetzirah, also known as the World of Formation, is situated below the world of Briah (Creation) and above the world of Assiyah (Action).

Yetzirah represents the realm of formation, where the spiritual and intellectual energies of Briah take on more concrete and symbolic forms.

It is the world where archetypal patterns and concepts begin to manifest as spiritual entities, celestial beings, and angelic forces. Yetzirah is often associated with the realm of the psyche and the realm of emotions.

In the world of Yetzirah, the divine archetypes and spiritual forces take on shapes and qualities that can be comprehended by human consciousness. It is a realm of symbolic imagery, dreams, and spiritual visions. The Sephirot, which represent the divine emanations, further unfold and manifest in Yetzirah, embodying the principles and qualities they represent in a more accessible manner.

Yetzirah is considered a realm of energetic and transformative activity. It is the world where the spiritual forces and energies interact and interplay, giving rise to the multiplicity and diversity of the spiritual realms.

Exploring the world of Yetzirah allows you to delve into the realm of the imagination, symbolism, and intuitive understanding. It is a realm where inner experiences and psychic phenomena can be explored and understood. Yetzirah offers seekers the opportunity to connect with celestial beings and angelic forces, gaining insights and guidance for their spiritual journey.

By engaging with the world of Yetzirah, you can deepen their understanding of the human psyche, access spiritual realms beyond the physical, and develop their intuitive and imaginative capacities. It is a realm of dynamic and transformative energies that can facilitate personal growth, spiritual evolution, and connection with higher aspects of the divine.


The World of Action, also known as the Material World, is the realm of physical existence and manifestation. It represents the physical body and the material plane and is associated with the sephiroth of Malkhut.

The world of Assiyah, also known as the World of Action. Assiyah is the lowest of the four worlds or realms in the Cabalistic cosmology, situated below the worlds of Yetzirah (Formation), Briah (Creation), and Atziluth (Emanation).

Assiyah represents the realm of physicality, materiality, and practical manifestation. It is the world of tangible existence and physical action. In Assiyah, the spiritual energies and forms of the higher worlds are condensed and expressed in physical forms, objects, and experiences.

This realm is associated with the physical body, the material world, and the realm of human action.

It is the realm in which the divine intentions and forces from the higher worlds are realized and expressed in concrete, tangible ways. It is here that the spiritual journey of the soul finds its expression in the realm of physical reality.

Assiyah is a realm of challenges, tests, and opportunities for growth and transformation. It is through the experiences and actions in the physical world that you have the opportunity to refine their character, express their spiritual essence, and contribute to the overall unfolding of creation.

Exploring the world of Assiyah involves engaging with the physical world consciously and purposefully. It requires aligning one's thoughts, intentions, and actions with higher spiritual principles. By doing so, you can manifest the divine qualities and purposes in their daily lives, promoting harmony, balance, and spiritual evolution.

Assiyah serves as a reminder that the physical world is not separate from the spiritual realms but rather an integral part of the cosmic order. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual integration and the transformation of the mundane into the sacred.

By connecting with the world of Assiyah, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the physical realm, recognize the spiritual potential within everyday actions, and contribute to the ongoing process of creation and spiritual evolution.

The Four Worlds concept is used to explore and understand the nature of reality, divine attributes, and the process of spiritual evolution in Cabala.

Each world in the Cabala framework reflects a particular level of consciousness and divine expression. They are interconnected and create a hierarchical structure that represents the different stages of creation and spiritual realization.

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Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.