Healing the Psyche with the Dark Tree (The Qliphoth)
It is with a deeply humble heart I get to write this today, for just a few short moments ago I was given a key to another door — another portal within my psyche, a portal I have been trying to force open for more than 2 years and today, it swung right open.
The floodgates opened, bringing me to tears. Today's revelation unveils the next layer of my purpose, one I've hesitated to explore due to psychic fear.
In recent years, scrutiny surrounded my deepening passion for The Occult. Harsh words from former clients left me perplexed, their perspective obscured by a different level of consciousness.
Undeterred, I pressed on, sensing untapped potential behind those locked doors. Haters inadvertently became catalysts for reinvention.
Their disdain, a creation of their psyche, unfolded within the realm of the endocrine system—a complex network governing hormones, influencing thoughts, emotions, and immunity. As I delved into alchemical studies, I discovered the profound connection between hormonal balance and spiritual transformation.
Essentially, I couldn’t see what they saw in me because I am not seeing through their level of consciousness. I couldn’t see the complex network governing their hormones.
But I kept going anyway. I kept pushing for the door to unlock because I could feel in my bones there was definitely something behind them. I just knew there was, but I didn’t totally understand what or even why I wanted it to open so badly.
And today, I am thankful for these haters. I am beyond grateful for the gift they have given me:
+ a reminder of my non-conformist nature
+ how to be unapologetically focused on my divine path
+ that I needed to strengthen my Will
In a paradoxical way, I needed them to push me — to push me into the dark shadowy abyss where the keys to the doors lived because apparently, I was only scratching the surface.
As their harsh words pushed me further into the waters of the unknown, I began to drown. I grasped for air. I felt my heart skip a few beats, until I realized where I was:
I had entered into the Tree of Knowledge where the keys to my mind-numbing questions glimmered like a buried treasure on the ocean floor.
And I wept.
I was so overwhelmed with gratitude that I had finally unlocked the mystery that lay restless in my mind… for years.
The more I leaned in to what was pushing my past clients away, the gift of Knowledge was received and today, I get to share what I have uncovered:
The greatest gift, tool, service, product, or teaching I could give my people is the opportunity to heal their psyche.
All those harsh words delivered (and rejected) from my previous clients had nothing to do with me directly, indirectly they were most definitely a catalyst for my reinvention.
Their chosen words were formed within their psyche — within an environment that supported their ideas, views, thoughts, words, and behaviors.
It was not ME they were angry with, but rather, an aggravated aggregate.
An aggregate that was created within their internal and invisible world. This internal world is called the endocrine system — the network that produce and release hormones.
The Endocrine System
The endocrine system is a complex network of organs and glands in the human body that produce and release hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that play crucial roles in regulating various physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis. It helps coordinate and control activities such as growth and development, metabolism, immune function, MOODS/EMOTIONS, and reproductive processes.
For example:
The adrenal glands, part of the endocrine system, release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare the body for a "fight or flight" response. Chronic stress can lead to prolonged elevation of these hormones, impacting mental health and contributing to conditions like chronic anxiety and burnout.
Your emotions are dictated through your environment, the home of your Temple, your physical domaine. When the endocrine system is unhealthy, emotions run wild. Things that don’t have to be alarming are often triggering — activating the “fight or flight” response due to overworked adrenals.
And that’s just one example.
While I could go on and on about the endocrine system, what I really want to share is its relationship with Alchemy.
The Alchemical Wedding
The Alchemical Wedding is an internal process that takes place within man/woman that occurs through the union of opposites: masculine and feminine, light and dark, and so forth. Ultimately, alchemy is about spiritual transformation and the pursuit of higher knowledge.
Through my years of self study on Alchemy, I’ve come to unlock the secret to balancing my own hormones by working to repair my endocrine system. As a result, the pursuit for knowledge has been extraordinary.
Things that would have never made sense before, become painfully obvious.
But that’s not all.
Alchemy is not only related to the endocrine system to regulate mood, emotions, immune function, etc… it’s also the KEY that unlocked this mysterious door.
The door I’ve been waiting to open!
The Qliphothic Tree
Over the past couple years I’ve mentioned the Qliphothic Tree or Dark Tree in a few of my teachings, but I’ve been really nonchalant about it — primarily because it’s a triggering topic for many people, even scholars.
I know firsthand, since the day I started mentioning it I was tainted with a scarlet letter. People just didn’t want me talking about it.
But why? This is what left me so confused.
What was it about the dark tree that had people screaming for me to STOP! DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT!
So I’m ready to talk about. What is the Qliphoth?
The Qliphothic Tree is the inverse of the Qabalah Tree of Life. That means, it’s the shadow tree. It’s a reflection of our inner world; the part of us that is unconscious, secret, hidden, occulted.
But it’s been heavily misinterpreted. It’s been labeled “demonic”. Any mention of the Qliphoth and get ready to be labeled a Satanist, demonic or some other “emotional” badge of dishonor.
Here’s the thing: If someone tells me not to go there, I’m gunna go. If someone tells me I shouldn’t talk about that, I’m prolly gunna open that can of worms.
Heck, isn’t that why we ALL are here anyway? Did we not eat from the “forbidden” fruit and end up in Malkuth?
Or worse… the Qliphothic Tree?
But here’s the thing, the Qliphoth is just a shadow tree… YOUR shadow tree and to fear it is just to fear yourself.
Healing The Psyche
There is no way we can help repair the world without saving ourself. But what does it mean to save yourself? What are we saving ourself from?
The term "psyche" refers to the totality of the mind, including both the conscious and unconscious aspects. It encompasses thoughts, feelings, desires, memories, and the various layers of the human psyche that contribute (and create) to our personality and identity. It not just a product of biological and psychological processes, but as a vessel for higher consciousness and spiritual exploration.
Isn’t it safe to say that in order to create a New World, we first need to create a more harmonious inner world within ourselves first?
Healing the psyche is a sacred rite of passage and it’s a journey most people won’t take.
Likely because they:
+ don’t know how to
+ don’t know where to begin
+ don’t know who can help them
To repair the psyche involves working with the Qliphothic Tree. We have to innerstand, overstand, and understand ourselves from all angles. We have to learn how to see in the dark so we can find the light.
This is how we create the alchemical wedding within — the holy matrimony of the divine masculine and divine feminine that resides within our Tree.
The Key
The truth is, I never thought in a million years I would say what I’m about to say. That’s the funny thing about a purpose, it’s got a life force of its own and it’s attached to YOU.
Once you embrace your purpose, the path is shown to you. You don’t have to figure out how to do it or try to force any doors to open. You just have to follow your curiosity because it’s trying to lead you somewhere — even if it’s a dark place that no one wants to talk about. Just because we don’t look, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
I guess the majority of people like living with an elephant in the room.
And, sometimes you NEED a push.
Sometimes you need people to condemn you, so you can see your purpose more clearly.
And that’s exactly what happened to me.
So here I AM, about to embark on another orbit around the sun with my upcoming Solar Return, about to take the next step towards honoring my Purpose.
Despite the haters, I have some pretty amazing soul-diers in my corner who have also been pushing me. Only, their push isn’t filled with toxic labels. Their trust and love for the work I’m going in the world is FELT and it’s just about time I lean in and give it my All.
The Qliphothic Tree is a sacred journey into the abyss where knowledge awaits and the dragons are tamed.
It is my intention to help you heal your psyche by working with the dark tree.
It is my intention to help you see your blindspots so you can repair your psyche, heal your body, empower your spirit, and strengthen your will, so you can SLAY the archetypal demons that reside in the map of your consciousness.
The Path Ahead
I realize not everyone is ready to take the path less traveled, but I also know, I am not here to serve everyone. I am here to grow and my service helps me do just that.
The dark tree is the REAL work. Honestly, it IS The Great Work. How else are you going to create the Alchemical Wedding within if you don’t nourish your dark tree?
The short answer is: you can’t.
While the truther movement and religious fanatics paint their exoteric knowledge all over the internet, I want to reveal to you the esoteric teachings very few people, even scholars know.
Things like:
Where do shadows come from? What are they really?
How to break free from religious dogma and purify your vessel from exoteric jargon
What is the Story of Adam & Eve really about? What’s the esoteric teaching?
Innerstanding Qabalah’s Tree of Life
The Metaphor behind the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Demons that Guard/Rule the Shells on the Dark Tree (what are they?)
Satan, The Devil, Evil, Fear: How these Concepts Stunt the Growth of Humanity
The Ego: The Esoteric Teaching NOT Taught in Exoteric Psychology
The Endocrine System & Balancing Your Hormones: What your emotions have to do with your evolution
The Tree of Alchemy: Da’ath and The Abyss
Sodom & Gomorrah - what do these CITIES really represent
What is Moloch and do you REALLY need to be afraid? Is it really some deity or boogie man invoked by the elite?
What is Baal Worship and do you already worship it?
and sooooo much more!
When I say the KEY that opened this door to this reinvention is a revelation, it’s an understatement!
I’m prepared to be your Qliphothic Teacher to help you unlock doors, shells, within your psyche that are keeping you stuck, in pain and suffering.
I have witnessed first hand the transformation in my kismet clients lives from the work we have been doing in my more advanced courses, and I want to extend the invitation to you.
But mostly, I have seen the transformation in my personal experience with life and I’m proud of the woman I have become.
Darkness is going to take on an entirely new definition and you’ll never think about yourself or the world in the same way again.
It’s a big vision. It’s big statement, and I’m prepared to own it.
⚡PS. Want to learn how the Mysteries can transcend your Confidence, Heal Your Being, help you become the Magician of your Life and fulfill your true purpose? It all starts within! Allow The Archaic Occultist to be your guide!
DoThe Real Work: Banish Ego-Based Limitations, Confront Your Shadow, Reach Your Full Potential and Materialize Your Desired Reality. Click here to learn more.

ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
Begin your journey with The Great Work with The Nightside Tarot Journal. And let The Tarot be your guide.
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