The Collective Unconscious: The Trash Bin No One Wants to Empty
One of the pillars I’ve stood firmly on since attending natural medicine school 15 years ago, is that you MUST get to the root of any problem if you truly want the symptoms to disappear.
And it’s NO different when we’re talking about our present day issues, which involves our ancient history.
If you don’t know how we got here, you’ll always live with a degree of trauma.
And that trauma exists within all man even if it manifest as a different symptom.
Yes, even if you had a happy childhood or found peace on some level.
If you look deeper, you will find a subconscious knowing that something is off.
However, most people numb it out subconsciously with the hopes that NOT knowing will make it disappear.
It will not.
Others know, but blocked it out consciously because they don’t know what is required to get to the root, or don’t want to do the Work.
Ancient Origins
Our origins are deeply occulted. They aren’t impossible to unravel, but it takes a different kind of skillset to decode it.
🔑 Integrated higher faculties are the key to gnosis.
While I was never a history buff kinda gal, it wasn’t until I started researching our occult history and ancient origins that my mind blew open.
All of a sudden my ears perked up and the rabbit hole appeared before me. Naturally, I walked up to it and said, “show me the way.”
My work as an occultist is to get to the root (of well, anything) because like anything, you won’t find a solution without first inner-standing the problem.
And all problems are interconnected.
You will always feel this nagging sense of emptiness because something very valuable has been intentionally deconstructed and fragmented, fabricated and hidden.
Imagine for a moment what this has done to the mind of man…
Think about the effects that it’s had on the psyche?
What about your self worth? Self esteem? Self identity? Self love?
What do you think happens to those parts of you that are searching aimlessly for solutions, only to find another dead end.
It traumatizes.
Root Solutions
And then there are the “make believe” root solutions that some of the most “successful” people and entrepreneurs sell reach thousands of not millions of people.
But this so called “root solution” only goes so far:
- Money
- Time
- “Freedom”
Sure, they sell you a solution backed by testimonials and fancy photography of their imaginal lifestyle, but it’s not the REAL ROOT solution.
That’s because they can only sell you a solution that corresponds with their level of consciousness and that level is dictated by their level of understanding of OUR ROOTS.
It’s pretty obvious who has endured the daunting task of unraveling our origins and who has not.
The average mind will take their solutions as Truth because their subconscious programming tells them it’s the way.
Will more money really solve your problem?
Will more time really solve your problem?
Will more so-called “freedom” really solve your problem?
The answer is NO.
Deep down, you will still feel as if something is not quite right. Something is missing.
Sure, you might have more time with your family and beautiful vacations around the world.
You may even take weekends, weeks or months off at a time to prove to yourself just how friggin FREE you “think” you are…
But it’s an illusion.
Freedom does not come from time or money — why?
Because both are constructs created to make you think in a certain way.
What you accept as Truth is relative to your state of consciousness or awareness.
You’ll stop measuring your happiness, success or freedom with time or money when you discover where you came from and what you actually are.
The Lofty Task
But discovering your true origins and getting to the root is a lofty task.
Just ask any esoteric historian. It’s a life quest.
That’s because our origins are ANCIENT.
Imagine this: thousands and thousands of years hidden from man so he would always feel like “something is missing.”
Yes, even those with optimal health, a good family, a lucrative career, homeowners, those who meditate.
It doesn’t matter what rock you turnover, you will not heal the cosmic wound until you know who (or what) you actually are until you get to the root.
And here’s a hint: Wholistic joy is not about pleasure…
Those who appear to have it all, don’t have the key to their most prized question: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE?
Where did I come from?
How did humanity get here?
What the heck am I doing here?
Is this really all there is to life?
Make money
Have a family
Find a relationship
Lose weight
Travel the world
Take long naps
Go on vacations
Go see Taylor Swift
Pray to be saved
Be forgiven for sins?
The numbing out of society hasn’t improved, it’s gotten worse.
People are totally consumed by their lower self. It’s all about pleasure, seeking some kind of peace.
But how will you KNOW peace if you don’t inner-stand what you actually are, which is a divine being who IS a product of mind manipulation.
People actually think money is real!
They think mainstream music is great music.
They think investing in real estate equals freedom.
They think voting solves problems.
They think action flicks are the bees knees.
They think they know more than someone else… when most people have no clue about their occult origins.
And on some level, I get it.
I understand why those things are appealing to the masses because all those things have been shoved down our throat.
+ To keep you numbed out.
+ To prevent you AND psychically stunt you from asking the bigger questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE?
+ Where did I come from?
+ How did we get here?
Enjoy Your Life
A few years back I had this recurring voice in my head saying,
“Enjoy your life, Angel.”
I never forgot it, and then I had to ask myself, “Well, how do you do that? What does that even look like?”
So I went on a quest. “What does enjoyment really mean?”
Enjoy" is a verb that means to experience pleasure or satisfaction from something. It involves finding delight, happiness, or contentment in a particular activity, object, or situation. When you enjoy something, you take pleasure in it, and it contributes positively to your well-being or sense of fulfillment.
So… I set off on a mission to find contentment — to enjoy myself. Here’s what I discovered.
The Collective Unconscious
If you haven’t already noticed, there exists a massive collective wound and at its root is the lack of knowledge about our origins.
We live on a planet with billions of people who deep down are unfulfilled. Yet, have found ways to distract themselves and call it enjoyment.
The distractions make life feel easier, but the collective wound never gets healed.
And guess what?
Taking up gardening or becoming a millionaire ain’t gunna solve it.
Nope. Sorry.
And if you meditate everyday you will FEEL the collective wound because you realize: WE ARE ONE.
In fact, You meditate *because* you feel the wound. It hurts your spirit.
Until the trash bin, we call the Collective Unconscious, gets a hefty dose of detoxification, our self esteem, self worth, self love, and self identity will be distorted.
Like 440 hz tuned music, the trash bin creates continuous DISSONANCE within man.
Action movies, murder documentaries, and the subliminal messages encoded into televised *programming* create trauma in the body, whacks out the nervous system, and fills the mind with endless ideas on how to NUMB out the pain.
Social Media
Social media is our modern day lifeline to feel connected because who else can we talk to?
It’s a rarity to find someone who actually Cares about themselves, let alone, wants to help clean out the trash bin; ie. the Collective Unconscious.
Carl Jung is prolly rolling over in his grave at what a cesspool the Collective Unconscious has become!
It’s like an overflowing septic tank; we are literally up to our ears is poo and calling it pleasure!
The Great Work
So what do we do about it? Or better yet, what can we do about it?
For starters, you can start Caring more about your contribution to the cesspool.
+ What needs cleaning up in your consciousness?
+ How are you numbing shit out?
+ What are your values? Still chasing the buck or motivated by your investment portfolio?
+ What about your body? Is it a trash bin for toxicity and parasites?
+ What about your mind? Are you feeding it wisdom or dis-information?
Let’s be better by getting to the ROOT. Let’s study and share knowledge that prepares us for wisdom.
That can only happen when we decide our ancient origins. That’s the past time that will lead us to root solution.
History can’t repeat itself, if we know the REAL story.
That’s how we solve problems.
It’s time to take back ownership of your psyche and remove the crutches and low vibrational entertainment that does NOTHING but trap you psychically in the tunnels of Set.
Holistic joy is not just about enjoying the pleasures of life, it’s about being our contribution for joy.
Do you have that little voice that tells you to “enjoy your life” too?
Have you ever through that lasting gratitude and peace don’t just come from within but within the Collective as well?
Your enjoyment is attached to the trash bin, so wouldn’t it be fair to say that helping to clean it up would be the nectar of life?
Now that sounds like the a sweet SOUL-ution!
You can only see through the fog when the glass is clear. So turn on the defrost and let’s get to work.
Because if not now, when?
⚡PS. Want to learn how the Mysteries can transcend your Confidence, Heal Your Being, help you become the Magician of your Life and fulfill your true purpose? It all starts within! Allow The Archaic Occultist to be your guide!
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ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
Begin your journey with The Great Work with The Nightside Tarot Journal. And let The Tarot be your guide.
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