The Difference Between Magick & Manifesting
You may think at first glance that these two words: magick and manifesting are synonymous, but today id like to share with you the distinct differences.
But first, I want to discuss the profound wisdom that comes with being a magician or even a master manifester because it implies you innerstand that you indeed create your own reality.
If you are not sold on this fact that “you create your own reality”, then that brings me to my first differentiation between magick and manifesting.
Manifesting can be done of two ways:
- Consciously
- Unconsciously
For anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that they ‘create their own reality which in turn has helped create the state of the world’, it is because they are unconsciously creating their reality.
In other words, they are not deliberate creators, but rather, unconscious creators.
Most people walk around unaware that they are creating their reality — whether they believe so or accept that fact.
Then they wonder why they do not have what they desire or only a small fraction of what they want, and the viscous cycle of life plays out unbeknownst to them.
It appears a mystery. This is because they are unconscious manifesters.
However, the real mysteries of life are discovered within, which brings me to ‘manifesting consciously’.
Manifesting consciously is just that: creating a deliberate life based on your desires.
However, manifesting consciously doesn’t infer magick — although sometimes it does.
What does that mean?
While the unconscious manifesters are creating their reality unbeknownst to them, the conscious manifesters are creating their reality deliberately, but generally, only through their lower faculties.
This means: they have desires that they consciously manifest, but their desires are attached to the ego or “the voice of the lower self”.
I desire my ex to come back to me.
I desire to make a million dollars.
The Path of the Magician
When you are a magician, you create your reality through your desires which is done consciously AND unconsciously, but these desires are birthed from ‘higher faculties’ or what I refer to as the True Divine Will.
Your True Divine Will is a higher faculty, an embodiment of inner power — and when you are in touch with this power and use it to call in your desires, you gain a level of certainty that is undeniable. Unshakeable. Without a shadow of a doubt.
Doubt and worry are lower self symptoms, which are not part of the magician’s experience.
For example:
If you desire to heal your body or repair a broken marriage, you might visualize or even affirm that the problem is resolved using your imagination. You can see the problem solved in your mind, and thus, it manifests.
There is more to that scenario, but you get the jist.
But magicians approach manifesting from a different level of awareness, a higher level of consciousness.
It’s not just about wanting or desiring something, it’s about “determining” if the desire is coming from the lower self (ego) or the higher self (true divine will) BEFORE setting the intention to Will it into existence.
‘Lower self manifesting’ is a form of sorcery, which essentially means: your desire may manifest but it likely won’t stay for long or it won’t feel very gratifying.
This is because the level of consciousness of this individual is only manifesting from their lower faculties — the ego.
It feels good for awhile (ego), but then, limiting beliefs, fears, and sometimes manipulation sets in. This causes the initial manifested desire to deteriorate, break down, and eventually dissolve.
At this point, the lower self enslaved manifester is back on the hamster wheel of manifesting the same desire (or equivalent) with their same level of consciousness.
And the cycle continues.
However, what I teach in all my courses is the path of the magician.
A true magician, not sorcerer, taps into their True Divine Will and uses it to Will their desires into reality.
Think of magick as a vibration that is steady and strong because it’s aligned with the higher faculties — the True Divine Will.
The stronger the connection one has to their True Divine Will, the more powerful their magick is.
Similar to manifesting, magick can be done consciously and unconsciously, but the difference is their results are sustainable and more satisfying because their initial desire comes from the marriage of the lower and higher faculties.
I call that marriage the divine spark or Sophia’s Light. This happens in the heart.
When your Sophia Light is illuminated, your desire comes from deep within — the part of us that “knows” we are part of a larger organism and that our desires affect not only our individual reality, but the reality in which we all live.
If you’re curious to learn more about the depths and principles of what I have just discussed, I encourage you to check out my free virtual class: SHADOW ALCHEMY for deeper dive.
⚡PS. Want to learn how the Mysteries can transcend your Confidence, Heal Your Being, help you become the Magician of your Life and fulfill your true purpose? It all starts within! Allow The Archaic Occultist to be your guide!
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ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
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