The Missing Ingredient to Healing No One's Talking About
Today we are going to explore the concept of health — after all, it is a multi-billion dollar industry and yet, you have to wonder why there is so much illness and ailments in the world.
While this entry will not entertain all the caveats and conspiracies around the health industry, it is my intention is to bring your attention to concept of “healing” from a different perspective.
As you’re beginning to learn, and in case you didn’t know already, health issues and the acquisition of holistic healing knowledge have been at the forefront of my life and top of mind for more than 3 decades.
I’ve given tid bits about my healing journey, but I’d like to invest a little more energy in helping you understand why new health issues arise and what it really takes to heal.
For now, I’ll leave the fluoride and GMO foods and “aerial spraying” out of this article, but I’ll touch on these in future entries.
The Backstory
I was determined to get to the root cause and solution of my 25+ year battle with a plethora of skin issues (see images below)… I figured it out and that’s what I’m going to share with you today.
Back in 2010, I enrolled in a Natural Medicine School where I got certified in holistic healing, nutrition, and herbalism.
Since then, what I’ve come to KNOW about natural medicine and healing is there is still a missing piece of the puzzle, and this piece I had to discover on my own.
In fact, this mysterious puzzle piece must be discovered by each individual on their own…
This piece is the Esoteric part of healing.
It’s not just want you eat, how much water you drink, or how much exercise you get each day.
Healing is a rite of passage.
In fact, I’m sure you know people who’ve tried everything under the sun to lose weight, heal their “auto-immune” disorder, overcome addiction — and more often than not, they throw our hands up in the air and blame it on genetics because another viable answer cannot be found.
Trust me, been there, DONE that.
I’ve never felt so hopeless and defeated as I did during those 25+ years of trying to overcome my health issues.
What a disaster. I just want to go back in time and give myself a big hug. It was so heartbreaking. So many tears.
But there was so much I didn’t understand about “health” because I couldn’t see the “esoteric piece” of the healing process.
Today as a practitioner of magick, it’s pretty obvious I didn’t KNOW the innate power I possessed.
I didn’t know I was an esoteric technology.
I could drink clean water, take supplements, juice, fast, detox, sweat, and rest til the bees came home and my condition would only mildly improve.
Magick helped me decode my esoteric technology so I could finally heal.
The Esoteric Meaning of Health
In esoteric or mystical contexts, the concept of health extends beyond the physical well-being of an individual and encompasses broader dimensions of existence.
It involves a holistic understanding of health that includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects that help create a state of harmony, balance, and vitality in your life.
It involves the alignment and integration of various energetic and “subtle bodies” within an individual, such as the physical body, the astral body, the mental body, and the causal body.
Read that sentence again!
Esoteric teachings emphasize that health is not merely the absence of disease or physical ailments but also the cultivation of inner balance, positive energy flow, and a strong connection to one's inner self and the larger cosmic forces.
It is about achieving equilibrium and optimal functioning on all levels of existence.
But we aren’t taught in school about these “subtle bodies” so when a symptom or ailment shows up, we often feel a little helpless and hope that a practitioner might know the answer.
In no way am I discrediting practitioners of medicine, but…
I’ll say this — I knew WAY more about my condition than the dozens of doctors, dermatologists, chiropractors, TCM practitioners, and the long laundry list of western and eastern practitioners I sought out.
That’s because I knew the real agony that pulsed through my blood every day. I was the only one who really knew… ME.
I don’t say this to sound like a know-it-all, but when you’re suffering and need answers, you have to become your own best friend.
You MUST become an invested party.
You must become the KEY that opens the door.
I was the only “practitioner” truly invested in my healing journey, because I was the one suffering every single day of my life.
I will give credit where credit is due, but the key to esoteric healing is the patient’s WILL to heal.
The Harsh Truth
No doctor or practitioner can strengthen your Will — it just cannot be done.
When you study magick, you gain valuable insight about the magickal process and its fundamentals, but that all means nothing if you do not PRACTICE the magick.
You can read all the books you want and go to all the best doctors and shovel out loads of cash to the best practitioners in the world, but if you do not have a strong Will, the best I can say is, “good luck. I hope it works out for you.”
It didn’t work out that way for me.
If you truly want to heal, your Will must be strengthened. Period. End of story.
Once I realized that optimal health can only be achieved through the “Care of the subtle bodies,” the esoteric key to healing was given and the door finally opened.
Ultimately, the esoteric meaning of health expands beyond the physical realm and encompasses the integration and harmony of the various aspects of YOU found in these other planes of existence — the subtle bodies.
The True Divine Will & Healing
Your Will does not reside in the physical plane, which is why true esoteric healing cannot be achieved simply by changing your diet.
Even if the physical symptoms clear up, that doesn’t mean the person is healed.
Esoteric healing occurs when ALL the subtle bodies are taken care of.
In the esoteric approach to well-being, the individual aligns with the higher self, the divine, and the greater cosmic forces in order to achieve optimal health and spiritual growth.
What are these cosmic forces?
Every month when the moon is in your sun sign, an activation takes places within your solar plexus.
The problem is, the majority of people walking the planet with or without health issues have no clue this activation takes place.
And as a result of their ignorance, the activation stops in its tracks because the individuals “certain behaviors” deactivate it.
Once I began experimenting and better understanding this activation and what was actually taking place in my body, something happened.
The first change I noticed was my connection to the astral body became inherently strong.
I started seeing things and KNOWING things I probably shouldn’t have known.
For example:
I started a YouTube channel during this time where I began reading tarot cards for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
I’d only had a couple years under my belt with studying the tarot, but it really worked its magick on my subconscious mind (more on this another time).
My YouTube channel became an instant sensation. Within 8 months my channel grew to 19,000 subscribers.
(Since then I have rebranded my YT channel, but I’ll share more about that another time too)…
The point I am trying to make is things were changing inside of me. I just KNEW things and the viewers of my YouTube channel found it intoxicating and in some cases frightening. They thought I was reading their minds or see into their lives.
This activation that was taking place within me each month was becoming more and more powerful.
So much so, I got this wild hair up my bum to pick up my life and move cross country ON A WHIM.
Literally, within 24 hours I had made the decision I was going to move somewhere I had never even visited!
I even purchased a home there without ever seeing it in person!
Not to mentioned, I met my divine counterpart over the internet while I was packing for the big cross country move.
He just happened to live less than a mile from the home I had just purchased.
Healing Requires Magick
It’s weird to even share all this because if seems like some weird fairytale, but this is how I KNOW magick is not only real; it’s physiological!
There is a powerful force and activation that takes place within your body each and every month — it is the foundation to ALL my work here at Sacred Anarchy.
In fact, it’s how Sacred Anarchy was born!
There is so much more I want to share with you, and I will share it. But first I need to break down what this activation is and how you can take advantage of this cosmological ritual so you too can begin repairing your esoteric technology and make big moves and strides in your life and in your health.
I have named this THE CHRISM RITUAL.
This might be the most important ebook you ever receive because it will change your life.
However, you’re going to have to read it a few times for the concepts to really sink in. So my advice, is read it slowly. Read each paragraph a few times.
Then, once you grasp everything, perform the ritual every single month. DO NOT MISS A MONTH.
This is just the beginning of how we will continue our work together as magicians and self-healers.
This is the foundation that must be laid before we can build upon your gnosis. This information has been hidden in astrotheology and revealed only to those who seek esoteric knowledge.
That is you. And that is what we are doing here at Sacred Anarchy.
⚡PS. Want to learn how the Mysteries can transcend your Confidence, Heal Your Being, help you become the Magician of your Life and fulfill your true purpose? It all starts within! Allow The Archaic Occultist to be your guide!
DoThe Real Work: Banish Ego-Based Limitations, Confront Your Shadow, Reach Your Full Potential and Materialize Your Desired Reality. Click here to learn more.

ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
Begin your journey with The Great Work with The Nightside Tarot Journal. And let The Tarot be your guide.
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