The Type of Wealth that Generates More Than Gold
It is in our desire to find solace, success, and self worth that we are confronted with the idea of wealth.
What is wealth, truly?
Wealth refers to the abundance of valuable assets or resources that an individual, organization, or nation possesses.
Wealth is a relative concept, as it is often compared to others' levels of resources and assets. What may be considered wealthy in one context or to a society might be considered average or even poor in another.
It is essential to understand that wealth is not just about the amount of money one has, but also about the ability to maintain and grow that wealth over time.
What we are about to delve into is the esoteric meaning behind wealth and how it applies to your life.
So, if you’re looking to become more wealthy (in whatever aspect you desire), then it’s important to first understand the fundamentals of esoteric wealth.
What is Esoteric Wealth?
Esoteric wealth refers to a concept of wealth that goes beyond the traditional material or financial aspects and delves into more intangible and spiritual dimensions. It involves seeking fulfillment, abundance, and prosperity in non-material realms, such as personal growth, spiritual development, emotional well-being, and inner peace.
For a moment, consider what an asset really is?
An asset is generally used to describe something that can be converted to cash such as an investment or real estate. But that only serves as an asset to those who’s primary measurement for wealth is money or financial gain.
But assets can be anything that continue to add value to your life. When you start to think about wealth from this standpoint, you start to see how truly wealth you already are.
Do you know how to discipline yourself to eat healthy?
Do you know how to build a website?
Do you know how to write, paint, create?
Do you know how to forgive?
Do you have wisdom to share?
These are just a few of the zillions of assets that the we all possess! These are not just skills, they are subconscious gifts that help us achieve our goals and make our lives run more smoothly… Isn’t that incredibly valuable?
The irony behind esoteric wealth that the average joe doesn’t get is that is creates abundance and prosperity in all areas of life — so why would anyone settle for just laymen’s wealth when they could attain esoteric wealth?
Why would anyone focus solely on financial assets when reviewing their balance sheets and portfolios, when spiritual assets provide an equal (if not more so) ROI?
The questions behooves me.
Esoteric wealth revolves around the idea that true prosperity and abundance stem from an individual's alignment with higher consciousness, Universal principles, and a deeper connection to the self and the world.
It generally encompass various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, energy work, holistic healing, and occult studies. Just like we’re doing right here at Bank of Gnosis!
Here are some spiritual assets to chew on:
Self-Awareness: Recognizing and understanding your true desires, passions, and purpose in life. This is worth MORE than gold!
Mindfulness and Presence: Practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment to cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment.
Spiritual Growth: Nurturing spiritual practices and exploring one's connection to a higher power or universal energy.
Emotional Well-Being: Fostering emotional intelligence and learning to manage emotions effectively.
Contribution and Service: Finding fulfillment and purpose through giving back and making a positive impact on others and the world. Leading a movement!
Gratitude and Abundance Mindset: Cultivating gratitude for what you have and embracing an attitude of abundance rather than scarcity.
These are the assets that need to be acquired, nurtured, and VALUED!
You see, when you start thinking like an occultist, the whole game gets turned upside down. You start to see the world from a wider lens and how our wants and desires are NOT truly our own.
Say what? When your focus on life is to cultivate laymen’s wealth through financial assets, you forfeit your Will to someone else’s game… more on this in a minute.
Esoteric wealth does not reject material wealth, but it seeks to find a balance between material prosperity and inner well-being.
Those who pursue esoteric wealth know that by aligning their thoughts, emotions, and actions with higher principles, they can attract positive energy and manifest their desires more effectively — including financial prosperity.
This has everything to do with the activation of the Higher Will.
A truly wealth individual is one who is sovereign. They know their life is what they make of it, not what is handed to them, even gifted to them as a generational hammy-downs, or acknowledged on some silly contract or credit score.
Esoterically wealthy individuals are free from the strings of obsessions and compulsions that swim in the lower faculties, enslaving them to their primitive desires. Just look at all those movies about stock brokers, cocaine, and hookers. They have no clue how out of balance their being is because all they focus is on the physical or material world.
And we wonder why addictions of all kinds are rampant in our culture, because the society has set-up the value system to neglect the higher world that exists within all man, even if he chooses to ignore it.
If we are to be TRULY wealthy, we must acknowledge the higher world. The higher world is where the Higher Will resides.
What is the Higher Will?
It would be impossible to discuss esoteric wealth without understand the Higher Will, for this higher faculties works in tandem with the idea of wealth.
No Higher Will, No Real Wealth.
While the majority of society is chasing the money dead-end, what they don’t consciously get is they had to forfeit their own Will to play the game, which is Babylonian in nature. (We discuss this extensively in The Great Rebirth series available in The Archaic Occultist).
Okay, back to the Higher Will…
The concept of the "Higher Will" refers to the philosophical understanding that there are lower and higher faculties.
For example, there are 7 chakras and the chakras in “lower Egypt” (below the Solar Plexus) are considered the lower chakras.
This is not to say “lower” means “worse,” but rather a pole. Everything in the Universe has a pole.
The Principle of Polarity (Hermetic Principles) states that everything in the Universe has an opposite or dual aspect — that there are two poles or extremes of any given phenomenon or idea, and these poles are interconnected, complementary, and necessary for each other to exist.
Fore example:
The concepts such as light and darkness, hot and cold, good and evil, love and hate, and positive and negative are all part of the natural order.
When you think of a penny, you will see that there are two sides, a head and tails. Both sides make up the Whole.
The two opposite poles are not isolated or separate but rather, are interconnected. They are like two sides of the same coin and coexist within the same continuum.
The same holds true with the classification of something as positive or negative, good or bad, is often relative and depends on the context or the observer's perspective.
Most importantly, The Principle of Polarity emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance and harmony between the opposing poles. It suggests that finding equilibrium between these polarities is essential for a harmonious existence.
Once you have mastered the the interplay between opposites, this allows for transformation and change. One pole can shift to the other, and this dynamic movement contributes to growth and evolution.
Are you starting to see why esoteric wealth is the bees knees?
Divine Timing
As you are now starting to see the importance of both the Lower and Higher worlds, whether it be chakras or the penny metaphor, it’s important to recognize that esoteric wealth is the balance of both worlds — material and spiritual.
I have chosen to bring to your attention to the Higher Will, because this is the higher faculty that is predominantly underdeveloped in our society.
Once we stop forfeiting our Will for someone else’s plan or agenda, it is then this “muscle” gets warmed up and is ready to stand guard!
The best way I can express the importance of activating your Higher Will is the notion of “divine timing.” It might sound woo-woo to some, but it’s absolutely necessary for understanding the Higher Will.
When you are living in accordance to the life YOU want to live and not a life that someone has mapped out for you, you go through the act of surrender and trust.
Surrender and trust are part of ‘diving timing’ in that everything in the Universe is working for you through your antenna (subconscious mind). If you try to control the outcome, this is a cue that your Higher Will is not activated or at the very least, the muscle is very flabby.
Your antenna or subconscious mind is vital to esoteric wealth because without a strong signal, your antenna can only deliver so-so results. That’s because the signal was weak and the connection wasn’t clear.
How are you going to strengthen your signal?
Activate your Higher Will.
And how do you activate your Higher Will?
You have to clean out the gunk in your subconscious.
How do you clean out the gunk in your subconscious?
You need to find out what the gunk is.
Inner Temple Magick
The Universal Principles (Natural Law) are the keys to opening you up to your Higher Faculties, which will allow the surrendering and trust process to naturally take place, without it being a tug of war for control or experiencing burn out.
You are the Master of your Universe.
As Glinda in the Wizard of Oz says, “You’ve always had the power, you just had to learn it for yourself.”
Inner Temple Magick is a magickal practice and initiation for those who want to experience the true essence of wealth, esoteric wealth. They want to call in their desires by activating their Higher Faculties, one of which is the Higher Will.
They want to understand the esoteric features of their esoteric technology.
Over the past decade and a plethora of magickal books (that are out of print, hard to find, or come with a hefty price tag), I’ve been able to uncover the mysteries of my own esoteric technology and wealth, which included healing a 25+ year health condition, calling in my divine counterpart (even during the “shutdown”), revamping my entire business to be more aligned with my Whole self…
I owe it all to magick.
Trust me, I understand if it sounds a little out there… I’m the literally the last person who would have thought that magick could change my life, but when you’ve literally tried everything else and nothing worked, you finally surrender and trust the process.
And that’s exactly what I did.
I would love the opportunity to help you become esoterically wealthy!
⚡PS. Want to learn how the Mysteries can transcend your Confidence, Heal Your Being, help you become the Magician of your Life and fulfill your true purpose? It all starts within! Allow The Archaic Occultist to be your guide!
DoThe Real Work: Banish Ego-Based Limitations, Confront Your Shadow, Reach Your Full Potential and Materialize Your Desired Reality. Click here to learn more.

ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
Begin your journey with The Great Work with The Nightside Tarot Journal. And let The Tarot be your guide.
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