Esoteric & Occult Glossary

Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

The Fourth Way

The Fourth Way is a spiritual path introduced by the mystic and philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff. It integrates the physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of human experience to achieve self-awareness and spiritual evolution. Unlike traditional spiritual paths that focus on one aspect—such as the mind, emotions, or body—The Fourth Way seeks to harmonize all three for a balanced and practical approach to inner work.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


A grifter is someone who engages in deception or manipulation, often for personal gain, typically financial or social. In broader terms, a grifter exploits others' trust or gullibility, presenting themselves as trustworthy or knowledgeable while concealing ulterior motives.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Elixir of Life

The Elixir of Life, also known as the Immortal Elixir or Ambrosia, is a legendary substance in alchemical and esoteric traditions believed to grant eternal life, perfect health, and spiritual enlightenment.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

The Fool’s Journey

The Fool’s Journey is a metaphorical narrative used in tarot to describe the soul’s progression through life, spiritual growth, and self-discovery. It is represented by the 22 Major Arcana cards of the tarot, each symbolizing a step in the Fool’s evolution from innocence to enlightenment.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Ego Dissolution

Ego dissolution refers to the temporary or permanent loss of identification with the ego, the self-constructed identity that separates an individual from the world. This experience often leads to a profound sense of interconnectedness, unity, and transcendence of the personal self.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Gematria is an ancient numerological system that assigns numerical values to letters, words, or phrases, revealing hidden meanings, connections, and esoteric insights. It is primarily associated with Hebrew and Greek alphabets but has been adapted to other languages and mystical traditions.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Evocation is the act of summoning or calling forth an external entity, spirit, or energy to appear or manifest within a designated space. Unlike invocation, which seeks to internalize the presence of a force, evocation establishes a relationship with an externalized power for communication, guidance, or assistance.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Ego Death

Ego death refers to the dissolution or transcendence of the ego—the part of the self that identifies with the individual personality, desires, and attachments. In esoteric and spiritual contexts, ego death is seen as a profound shift in consciousness where the boundaries between the self and the universe dissolve, leading to a direct experience of oneness with all things.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


The term "esoteric" refers to knowledge, teachings, or practices that are intended for or understood by only a select group of individuals, often those who are initiated into a particular tradition or philosophy. Esoteric knowledge is typically hidden or concealed from the general public and is passed down through specialized channels, often in symbolic or allegorical forms.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is a sacred geometric figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles that form a flower-like pattern. This symbol is considered one of the most powerful and ancient symbols in sacred geometry, representing the interconnectedness of all life in the universe.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Exoteric refers to knowledge, teachings, or practices that are intended for the general public, as opposed to esoteric, which is reserved for those with specialized knowledge or initiation. Exoteric knowledge is outward-facing and accessible, often focusing on practical or surface-level understanding, while esoteric knowledge delves deeper into hidden, mystical, or occult truths that require a more personal or advanced approach to fully comprehend.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


A grimoire is a magickal book or manual containing instructions, rituals, spells, symbols, and knowledge used for spiritual or occult practices. It serves as both a personal journal of magickal workings and a repository of esoteric wisdom.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Gnosis is a term derived from the Greek word for "knowledge" and refers specifically to spiritual knowledge or direct, experiential understanding of divine truths. Unlike intellectual knowledge, which is based on reason and learning, gnosis is a deeper, intuitive knowing that transcends the mind and is often described as a direct experience of the divine or ultimate reality.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Esoterica refers to a body of knowledge, teachings, or practices that are intended for a select, often initiatory, group of individuals. These teachings are typically hidden, obscure, or not easily accessible to the general public, as they require a certain level of understanding, initiation, or spiritual development to be fully comprehended.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

The Great Work

The Great Work is not about ascension, self-improvement, or external mastery. It is the complete restoration of the Harmonic Human—the sovereign, self-existing intelligence that no longer oscillates, no longer leaks energy, and no longer seeks outside of itself. It is the dissolution of all artificial constructs that distort one’s field, the sealing of all fractures, and the full embodiment of one’s original frequency.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


An egregore is a collective thought-form or psychic entity created by the shared focus, emotions, and intentions of a group. It exists as an independent energy form and can influence the individuals connected to it.

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