Morphogenetic Field
The morphogenetic field is the energetic blueprint that governs the formation, structure, and coherence of all living beings. It is an informational field of resonance that holds the original harmonic architecture of an individual, species, or reality system, determining how energy organizes into form. The concept of morphogenetic fields was first explored in modern science by biologist Rupert Sheldrake, who theorized that living organisms inherit collective memory fields rather than just genetic traits.
Metatron’s Cube
Metatron's Cube is a sacred geometric figure composed of 13 interconnected circles and the lines connecting their centers. It contains all five Platonic solids and is considered a map of creation, symbolizing the flow of energy throughout the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.
Manifestation is the process of bringing something into reality through focused intention, thought, and belief. It is based on the idea that the mind has the power to shape and influence the external world by aligning with one's desires, goals, or intentions. Manifestation involves using mental and spiritual practices to draw desired outcomes into one's life, typically through visualization, affirmation, and conscious action.
The multiverse is a theoretical concept suggesting the existence of multiple, parallel universes beyond our own. Each universe within the multiverse may have its own distinct laws of physics, dimensions, and realities, yet all coexist within a greater, unified structure. This concept challenges the idea that our universe is the only one, proposing that there are infinite or finite universes, each potentially containing different forms of life, matter, and energy.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is the practice of becoming aware of and controlling one's dreams while they are still asleep. In a lucid dream, the dreamer realizes that they are dreaming and can often influence the events, environment, and even their own actions within the dream. This state of awareness allows for a heightened sense of clarity and control, which can be used for personal exploration, self-discovery, or spiritual growth.
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is a ceremonial ritual used in Western esoteric traditions, particularly in the Hermetic and Golden Dawn systems, to purify and protect the practitioner from negative energies or influences. It involves the visualization and drawing of pentagrams, as well as the invocation of divine names, to create a sacred space and banish unwanted forces.
Morphogenetic Field
The morphogenetic field is a concept originating from the field of biology, proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, which suggests that there is a non-physical field that influences the development and form of organisms. It is believed that this field contains the information or blueprint that guides the growth and behavior of living beings.
Labyrinth Walking
Labyrinth walking is a meditative practice that involves walking through a labyrinth, a complex, winding path that leads to a central point and back out again. Unlike a maze, which is designed to confuse, a labyrinth has a single, unambiguous path to the center. This practice is often used as a form of spiritual contemplation, self-reflection, and personal transformation.
Merkabah, also spelled "Merkaba," is a Hebrew term that translates to "chariot" and refers to the mystical experience of ascension or divine transportation. It is most commonly associated with the mystical tradition of Merkabah mysticism (or Merkavah mysticism), which focuses on the visionary ascent of the soul to the heavenly realms.
Necromancy is a form of magick and divination that involves communication with “the dead” (or shadow), typically for the purpose of gaining knowledge, insight, or power. It is often associated with summoning spirits, consulting the deceased, or invoking their energies to influence the physical world.
Natural Law
Natural Law is a universal, immutable set of principles that governs the structure and operation of the cosmos. Rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions, it is understood as the moral code inherent in the fabric of existence, transcending human-made laws. Natural Law is often seen as the foundation for understanding truth, justice, and personal sovereignty.
Mysticism is a spiritual practice or belief system focused on the direct, personal experience of the divine or ultimate reality. It emphasizes transcendent experiences that go beyond intellectual understanding, aiming to unite the practitioner with the divine, the universe, or the deeper aspects of the self.
In esoteric traditions, Lucifer represents the archetype of enlightenment, individuality, and the pursuit of divine knowledge. Far from the traditional religious portrayal of Lucifer as a fallen angel or the devil, esoteric interpretations see Lucifer as a symbol of the inner light that guides seekers toward self-awareness, liberation, and spiritual transformation.
Left-Hand Path
The Left-Hand Path (LHP) is a spiritual and esoteric approach that emphasizes individuality, self-deification, and personal sovereignty. Unlike the Right-Hand Path (RHP), which often focuses on union with the divine or adherence to external moral frameworks, the Left-Hand Path encourages practitioners to explore their inner shadow, embrace their unique essence, and take full responsibility for their spiritual evolution.
Nightside of Eden
The Nightside of Eden refers to the shadow or inverse aspect of the Tree of Life in Qabalistic mysticism. It is associated with the Qliphoth, the "shells" or "husks" representing chaotic and destructive forces that oppose the harmonious energies of the Sephiroth.
Occultism refers to the study and practice of hidden or esoteric knowledge, focusing on understanding the unseen forces and spiritual truths that influence the universe. It encompasses a wide range of mystical, spiritual, and metaphysical systems aimed at personal transformation, spiritual awakening, and mastery of the self and the cosmos.
Ladder Exercise
The Ladder Exercise is a manifestation technique popularized by Neville Goddard, designed to demonstrate the power of assumption and belief in shaping reality. By focusing on a specific, vivid image—such as climbing a ladder—and assuming it as true, the exercise reveals the creative power of the mind and imagination.
Law of Assumption
The Law of Assumption is a metaphysical principle that states your assumptions—what you believe to be true about yourself and the world—shape your reality. By consciously assuming a specific state of being or outcome as true, you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with that reality, effectively manifesting it into existence.
Lady Babalon
Lady Babalon (also spelled as Babylon) is a mystical and symbolic figure within Western occultism, particularly in Thelemic traditions. She is often depicted as a goddess of divine feminine power, sexual liberation, and spiritual transcendence.